Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure? Have members of your family suffered from these ailments? Do you have a poor diet? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider being screened for your risk of stroke through the services of Life Line Screening. Life Line Screening uses ultrasound technology to view the plaque build-up in your carotid arteries, the main arteries that carry blood to the brain. Blockages in these arteries are a leading cause of stroke. We are pleased to host this Life Line Screening event 2/20/2023 at Peter Metrovich Community Center . All screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. Your Health is in Your Hands, so call 1-844-591-7160 or go to llsa.social/hc or text the word circle to 216-279-1607 for more information or to pre-register.

Do you know what to do if a friend or loved one is having a stroke?
A stroke occurs when blood flow is blocked in the brain. It could be caused by high blood pressure or for several other reasons. Stroke is a leading cause of death in the U.S. and it can also result in permanent disability. People sometimes have a stroke for hours or even days before it is discovered.
It is important to know the signs of a stroke: Seizures, headache, drooling, vision or speech problems, confusion, paralysis, and difficulty in breathing or swallowing are all common signs. One pupil may become larger than the other and the person may lose consciousness.
You could use some simple tests to help determine if a person is having a stroke:
1. Have the person smile.
2. Have the person speak a simple sentence.
3. Have the person raise his/her arms.
4. Have the person stick out his/her tongue. If the tongue appears crooked (it goes to one side), it could be a sign of a stroke.
If the person has difficulty with any of these tasks, he or she may be having a stroke.
Here are some steps to follow.
First of all: Remain calm. You won't do your loved one any good if you panic.
Second: Call for help. Yell loudly or use a phone if there is one handy. Call 911 or have someone else call 911.
Third: Stay with the person. Be reassuring. Make sure he/she is seated or is lying down comfortably. If he/she is lying down but conscious, try to raise the head and shoulders slightly so he/she is comfortable.
Fourth: If person loses consciousness, help him/her to the floor: Stand behind the person and gently guide him/her down one of your legs. Lay the person on his/her back and tilt his/her head back to make sure the airway is open. Stretch the person's legs out so he/she is comfortable.
Fifth: If you know CPR, use it if necessary. If you don't know CPR, do not attempt it. You could do the person more harm than good.
Sixth: Cover the person so his/her body temperature remains normal.
Seventh: If the person has any paralyzed limbs, protect them. Prop them with pillows or blankets.
Eighth: Do not give the person any food or drink, to prevent choking. If there is a chance he/she may choke, roll him/her to one side.
By following these steps, you will go a long way to helping a stroke victim survive. Keep this list nearby and review them regularly.