
Zoning information for
St. Clair TownshipÂ
Regarding Residential Property:
Although St. Clair Township does not have zoning, there are still other mechanisms in place to protect residential property owners such as:
Deed Restrictions, Residential Subdivision Regulations, and Homeowners Associations
All residents need to check their deeds and any plats associated with their property to be aware of any deed restrictions.
Also, if you live in a residential subdivision. You may have a Homeowners Association or Residential Subdivision Regulations in place to comply with. Obtain a copy and know the restrictions.
The Ohio Revised Code also offers mechanisms for the Board of Trustees to address nuisance properties and junk vehicles.
Regarding Commercial Property:
All businesses must meet the guidelines and obtain the proper approval before opening a business.
The Ohio Secretary of State has helpful information online to assist you with the process.
New commercial construction and obtaining Certificates of Occupancy must go through the State of Ohio for approval. An engineer and/or architect will need to be involved in the process.
Contact the following for assistance:
Ohio Department of Commerce
Division of Industrial Compliance
6606 Tussing Road
P.O. Box 4009
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-9009
614-644-2223 Phone